Tag Archives: History

Hotel Rwanda

poster“‘Oh, my God, that’s horrible,’ and then go on eating their dinners.”
That’s true, right? When you and me saw this movie, we were crying for them. But that’s at all. We wouldn’t do anymore. Unless the response of event can make us some benefits. Rwanda has nothing for those counties claimed they fight for freedom and peace. I think political power is real thing they fight for. In other side, would you sacrifice your life in order to save foreigners?
And Schindler’s List is another movie to describe the same kind of persons with great courage and love. I remember Schindler blamed himself that he should save more in the end of movie. Paul gave up the first chance he could escape. In the end, it seems to be a not too bad ending. But “almost a million people”, how could they kill to each other? I can’t tell what is the difference between Hutu and Tutsi. They also need to check identify to recognize which race is. “This is not a refugee camp,” Paul tried to keep his dignity throughout the story, even his saying like flattering. But that’s the key he can save 1268 people.

Paul Rusesabagina speaks at Darfur rally in DC:
