Tag Archives: War

烏龜也會飛 (2004)

Turtles Can Fly這部電影是由伊朗及伊拉克共同製作。是一部與戰爭有關的影片(與美國有關),但以兒童的角色來描述這場戰爭。無論大人或兒童,都必須在戰爭下求生存。我沒有這樣的經驗,因此,我沒辦法了解為什麼Agrin 殺了 Riga 然後又自殺。她叫 Riga 為 “bastard”。還有她試著不帶著 Riga 離開。我想我沒辦法了解如果我沒有承受及經歷過她所有的。


這首是由“The Cranberries”所演唱的“Zombie”,“And the violence caused such silence; Who are we mistaken?”



聖誕快樂 (2005)

poster在劇中轟炸的那一幕,我笑了。Joyeux Noël不會使我感到很悲傷。反而是比較溫暖。大多數人都不會想要有戰爭,勝利對他們是沒有意義的。因為一連串的錯誤使得在前線的德國、法國及蘇格蘭的士兵成為受害者。在最高命令只是自私又過於愚笨的決策。事實上,那並不能稱為決策而是沒有經過大腦的產物,一個白痴都能做的更好。




Lakposhtha parvaz mikonand (2004) aka Turtles Can Fly

Turtles Can FlyThis movie is a joint production of Iraq and Iran. It’s another War film (with connection of U.S.), but it use child roles to describe the War. No matter adults or children, they have to find a way to survive. I don’t have experience in the life of war. Therefore, I really can’t understand why Agrin killed Riga and committed to suicide. She called Riga with “bastard”. And She tried to leave without Riga. I think I couldn’t understand if I were not her and suffered the same tragic experience.
Satellite, he is responsible. He treats all children’s life as his own. That’s why all children take order from him and care about him.
A music video for Turtles Can Fly on Youtube:

The song is “Zombie”, singed by “The Cranberries”. “And the violence caused such silence; Who are we mistaken?”

Silence becomes fear in War. You hope bombing would be stopped, but what’s coming after the real bombing. Nothing is complete. The bombs just explode directly in your heart.

I don’t like the end. It’s really sad. But that’s how our world works right now.

Joyeux Noël (2005) aka Merry Christmas

posterI was laughing when the booming at the middle of this movie. Joyeux Noël don’t make feel very sad. It’s warm, instead. Most of people don’t want the war. Such winning is meanless for them. The soilders of German, French and Scottish in the frontline were the victim of mistakes by mistakes. The top order just is the selfish and beyond stupid judgment. Actually, it can’t be called as a judgment but a something comes out without brain. An idiot can do much better than it.

I don’t believe suchlike peace would be on the battlefield. But I am willing to believe it must have some cease-fire agreements on the battlefield. Almost one hundred years past, there are wars in this world. When will the peace come? When will the leaders fact to their conscience? Might be another year, a decade, one hunderd years or third millennium? Maybe that day do not exist. Did you remember the speech of bishop? Is that the religion? That’s why I only believe science and moral sense. The truth, right and wrong are the first things you had understood since you was born.

Suddenly, I wonder to know what kind of country of German before World War I.


Hotel Rwanda

poster“‘Oh, my God, that’s horrible,’ and then go on eating their dinners.”
That’s true, right? When you and me saw this movie, we were crying for them. But that’s at all. We wouldn’t do anymore. Unless the response of event can make us some benefits. Rwanda has nothing for those counties claimed they fight for freedom and peace. I think political power is real thing they fight for. In other side, would you sacrifice your life in order to save foreigners?
And Schindler’s List is another movie to describe the same kind of persons with great courage and love. I remember Schindler blamed himself that he should save more in the end of movie. Paul gave up the first chance he could escape. In the end, it seems to be a not too bad ending. But “almost a million people”, how could they kill to each other? I can’t tell what is the difference between Hutu and Tutsi. They also need to check identify to recognize which race is. “This is not a refugee camp,” Paul tried to keep his dignity throughout the story, even his saying like flattering. But that’s the key he can save 1268 people.

Paul Rusesabagina speaks at Darfur rally in DC:
