Tag Archives: Drama

Lorenzo’s Oil (1992)


Lorenzo was suffered a disease, adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a rare inherited disease, when he was about 6 years-old. A shocked parents tried to save their love on their own, because the development of cure takes too long for patients. They tried to search and then to convince doctors to perform medical experiments on humans.


I saw the love of parents, the strength of human life, the fact of life and the conflict between responsibility and reality from this film. In our life, there are too many decisions will be waited for us to make. If Odones’ decision was using approved treatment, then Lorenzo might no longer be this world now. And who will know one man with no medical background can develop a treatment of a disease. Maybe one without any preconceived ideas or biases can achieve more than one with.

How would you have me describe him?
As a biochemical conundrum?

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L’Avion (2005)


A little boy, Charly, received an airplane model as Christmas gift from his father. He excepted that should be a bicycle, he revealed his unsatisfied feeling to his father. His father promised that he would give Charly a bicycle on Charly’s next birthday. Just before birthday, Charly’s father died in an accident. Afterward, Charly tried to find his father with his airplane model for some words which Charly didn’t tell his father on Christmas Day.


This is a warm and fancy movie. The story about that airplane model is quite extreme foolish. But the whole movie is still great. You would feel that time was passing soon in one and half hours.

Sometimes, maybe often, we feel disappointed at something or somebody. And expecting for more than ordinary that we should earn, but not everything would be following our hopes. Learning to accept the unexpected result is the only way to make us feel better. And encouraging ourself to hold the time and the chance for doing something that we should do immediately in our mind.


臥底 (2006)



我認為Denzel Washington在本片演的很好,因為我真的不喜歡在開場時他所扮演的那個警探。我對Jodie Foster也有相同的感覺。Madeline White怎麼敢收那筆錢!她根本沒完成Arthur Case要求她完成的事。我們都知道在這類型的影片,搶匪會得到他們要的。但怎麼得到地,才是我們所感興趣的。而過程就像是在玩拼圖,交錯的時間,增加了神秘感。我想我還不夠聰明,我看到結尾才知道為什麼他們要挖那個洞!


命運好好玩 (2006)



Michael Newman拿到了神奇的遙控器。他可以跳過一些他不想經歷的事。很快地,他發現快轉不是個好方法來面對事物。因為快轉,他錯過許多人生中的大事。這電影提醒我們,無論你遇到的困境是多壞或是多糟,我們或許無法避免,但遇到了還是得解決,除了解決問題沒別的方法。面對問題、體驗問題並記住問題勝於逃避問題。工作是重要的,但家庭更是。


聖誕快樂 (2005)

poster在劇中轟炸的那一幕,我笑了。Joyeux Noël不會使我感到很悲傷。反而是比較溫暖。大多數人都不會想要有戰爭,勝利對他們是沒有意義的。因為一連串的錯誤使得在前線的德國、法國及蘇格蘭的士兵成為受害者。在最高命令只是自私又過於愚笨的決策。事實上,那並不能稱為決策而是沒有經過大腦的產物,一個白痴都能做的更好。




La Double vie de Véronique (1991) aka The Double Life of Veronique



Have you ever felt someone or another you… identical… exists at same time in the same world? Have you ever felt sad but you didn’t know for what reason? This film is beautiful and sad. The sadness accompanied the music. The shock and dead silence came up while Weronika was falling over the stage. All of this film make me feel sorrowful. When this film was just played less than twenty minutes, I paused it. After a couple hours, then I can see the rest of this film.
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Inside Man (2006)



I think Denzel Washington played very great. Because I really don’t like that Detective at beginning of this movie. I have same feeling about Jodie Foster. How dare Madeline White received the money! She didn’t accomplish what Arthur Case asked her to do. We all know the robbers will get what they want at the end in such kind of movies. But how did they get loot is the only thing we might be interested. And the progress is a puzzle. A interlaced method of time increases mystery. And I think I am not quite smart, I just understood why they tried to dig at the end of movie.
Even most of actors played great, but I don’t think the story is also great. I don’t understand why this movie needs Madeline. The safe deposit box 392 is not recorded, then Arthur should not hire her. Becuase even the most stupidest robber knows that box is very important and probably very valuable when you ask him to allow you take everything in that box. And that will force the robber to check that box, then Arthur’s secret must be exposed. If Arthur didn’t take any action, then secret might still be sealed. But that’s impossible, because robbers’ target is that box.


Click (2006)



Michael Newman got a universal remote. And he skipped some time that he thought he didn’t want to experience. Soon, he found fast-forward is not a good way to face things. He missed many stories of his life. This movie reminds us no matter the problem how bad or how terrible you met. We might not be able to avoid. But encountering is encounter, there is nothing else you can do. Facing it, experiencing it and remembering it are better than avoiding it. That’s true for work is important, but family is more important than work.
If I had this remote, I think “Pause” is good manner to release temper. Do something to your target. But standing on desk then farting is not quite brilliant. Does anyone know when can I buy this remote on Amazon?


Everything Is Illuminated (2005)



This movie is great. And the background music is great, too. The story is described with comicality. But it is not funny. You have to think while you are watching. You will ask yourself who is ?, what happened? is that? At the end of moviel, everything seems to be illuminated. But it’s not everything for me. Until now, I still don’t understand why the gradfather committed to suicide? And why didn’t he die at that time? Are Alex’s family Jewries? If they are, why the grandfather hates Jewry?


High School Musical (2006) (TV)


High School MusicalAs title it really is a musical. I thought just something about musical at high school before I watched. Produced by Disney, so it must have a really happy ending. This story is about two a girl and a boy. One is genius of science girl, another is a basketball team leader. Both of them are trying to make something different than they were. Troy Bolton, the basketball guy, wants to do something that other people don’t even imagine he would do. That is to attend audition of musical. The consequence of audition is everyone started to confess what they really want to think and to do. Of course, there must be one evil role in a drama who is Sharpay Evans. Ok. I have to confess, too. I like to watch “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” , “That’s So Raven” and old “Lizzie McGuire“. Besides, friends concern Gabriella Montez and Troy for two games. Their action created unwilled problem for Garbriella and Troy.
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