Category Archives: Movie Reviews

Efter brylluppet (After The Wedding) (2006)

— champagne is poured… secrets are spilled —

After the wedding

The rating 7.8 on IMDb explains how great this film is. It is definitely worth your two hours. The director Susanne Bier directed other well-known films, but this one is first that I saw.

* Don’t read any more if you haven’t seen this film *
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The Girl Next Door (2004)

This movies has almost been three years. Why I watched this movies at this time? Because I previewed a song called Girl Next Door by Saving Jane at iTunes Store. I thought this song is the theme song of this movie. Now I understand they just have same title. Nothing more.

The story is pretty fun. The real status of Danielle (Did you feel familiar with her – She is Kim Bauer in 24) had revealed at first half hour, that is a porn star (never thought this word would have a chance to show up on my blog). So this not kind of movies about having a quarrel between main roles at last hour and everything gets back at last ten minutes. I kept laughing during whole movie.
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Tideland (2005)



I have to say I didn’t feel comfortable while watching this movie. At beginning, this little girl sat inside the broken bus. I thought this movie would be a fantasy and for children. But just after this scene, it’s totally different(this is definitely not for children). As story going, you will see more and more things that might make you feel disgusting. It’s not because of vision but the words they said and how did the actors play. The acting of Jodelle Ferland is very impressive, but that seems to be way over the her age(or it’s how this real world works?). I think this movie shows some indescribable sides of nowadays. Maybe that’s how the younger sees and feels.


Lorenzo’s Oil (1992)


Lorenzo was suffered a disease, adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a rare inherited disease, when he was about 6 years-old. A shocked parents tried to save their love on their own, because the development of cure takes too long for patients. They tried to search and then to convince doctors to perform medical experiments on humans.


I saw the love of parents, the strength of human life, the fact of life and the conflict between responsibility and reality from this film. In our life, there are too many decisions will be waited for us to make. If Odones’ decision was using approved treatment, then Lorenzo might no longer be this world now. And who will know one man with no medical background can develop a treatment of a disease. Maybe one without any preconceived ideas or biases can achieve more than one with.

How would you have me describe him?
As a biochemical conundrum?

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L’Avion (2005)


A little boy, Charly, received an airplane model as Christmas gift from his father. He excepted that should be a bicycle, he revealed his unsatisfied feeling to his father. His father promised that he would give Charly a bicycle on Charly’s next birthday. Just before birthday, Charly’s father died in an accident. Afterward, Charly tried to find his father with his airplane model for some words which Charly didn’t tell his father on Christmas Day.


This is a warm and fancy movie. The story about that airplane model is quite extreme foolish. But the whole movie is still great. You would feel that time was passing soon in one and half hours.

Sometimes, maybe often, we feel disappointed at something or somebody. And expecting for more than ordinary that we should earn, but not everything would be following our hopes. Learning to accept the unexpected result is the only way to make us feel better. And encouraging ourself to hold the time and the chance for doing something that we should do immediately in our mind.


臥底 (2006)



我認為Denzel Washington在本片演的很好,因為我真的不喜歡在開場時他所扮演的那個警探。我對Jodie Foster也有相同的感覺。Madeline White怎麼敢收那筆錢!她根本沒完成Arthur Case要求她完成的事。我們都知道在這類型的影片,搶匪會得到他們要的。但怎麼得到地,才是我們所感興趣的。而過程就像是在玩拼圖,交錯的時間,增加了神秘感。我想我還不夠聰明,我看到結尾才知道為什麼他們要挖那個洞!


命運好好玩 (2006)



Michael Newman拿到了神奇的遙控器。他可以跳過一些他不想經歷的事。很快地,他發現快轉不是個好方法來面對事物。因為快轉,他錯過許多人生中的大事。這電影提醒我們,無論你遇到的困境是多壞或是多糟,我們或許無法避免,但遇到了還是得解決,除了解決問題沒別的方法。面對問題、體驗問題並記住問題勝於逃避問題。工作是重要的,但家庭更是。


Chasing Liberty (2004)

“So third base is what again?”

“There’s one more thing. We think they’re married!”

John Tucker Must Die (2006)


John Tucker cheats on many girls at same time. Three of them decided to revenge on him. They are Heather, Beth and Carrie. So they taught Kate how to attract John and then make John heart broken. Same thing he did to them. After a serial tricks, they got him fallen in love with Kate. A “no one” girl became “the one” for John. But it is just a setup.

It’s kind of the Perfect Man. The mother of main role dates with millions men. And the main role chooses to be a nobody at school. But rest of story is different than each other. This movie’s ending is a happy ending. Because everybody win, no one is the loser. And the progress of story is quite funny. T-Bar, that is really mean!


烏龜也會飛 (2004)

Turtles Can Fly這部電影是由伊朗及伊拉克共同製作。是一部與戰爭有關的影片(與美國有關),但以兒童的角色來描述這場戰爭。無論大人或兒童,都必須在戰爭下求生存。我沒有這樣的經驗,因此,我沒辦法了解為什麼Agrin 殺了 Riga 然後又自殺。她叫 Riga 為 “bastard”。還有她試著不帶著 Riga 離開。我想我沒辦法了解如果我沒有承受及經歷過她所有的。


這首是由“The Cranberries”所演唱的“Zombie”,“And the violence caused such silence; Who are we mistaken?”

