Lakposhtha parvaz mikonand (2004) aka Turtles Can Fly

Turtles Can FlyThis movie is a joint production of Iraq and Iran. It’s another War film (with connection of U.S.), but it use child roles to describe the War. No matter adults or children, they have to find a way to survive. I don’t have experience in the life of war. Therefore, I really can’t understand why Agrin killed Riga and committed to suicide. She called Riga with “bastard”. And She tried to leave without Riga. I think I couldn’t understand if I were not her and suffered the same tragic experience.
Satellite, he is responsible. He treats all children’s life as his own. That’s why all children take order from him and care about him.
A music video for Turtles Can Fly on Youtube:

The song is “Zombie”, singed by “The Cranberries”. “And the violence caused such silence; Who are we mistaken?”

Silence becomes fear in War. You hope bombing would be stopped, but what’s coming after the real bombing. Nothing is complete. The bombs just explode directly in your heart.

I don’t like the end. It’s really sad. But that’s how our world works right now.