Joyeux Noël (2005) aka Merry Christmas

posterI was laughing when the booming at the middle of this movie. Joyeux Noël don’t make feel very sad. It’s warm, instead. Most of people don’t want the war. Such winning is meanless for them. The soilders of German, French and Scottish in the frontline were the victim of mistakes by mistakes. The top order just is the selfish and beyond stupid judgment. Actually, it can’t be called as a judgment but a something comes out without brain. An idiot can do much better than it.

I don’t believe suchlike peace would be on the battlefield. But I am willing to believe it must have some cease-fire agreements on the battlefield. Almost one hundred years past, there are wars in this world. When will the peace come? When will the leaders fact to their conscience? Might be another year, a decade, one hunderd years or third millennium? Maybe that day do not exist. Did you remember the speech of bishop? Is that the religion? That’s why I only believe science and moral sense. The truth, right and wrong are the first things you had understood since you was born.

Suddenly, I wonder to know what kind of country of German before World War I.
